
ad-carsten-costard-1-mailBesides having published in daily news papers, magazines and other media, in 2013 my book »Nizza oder Die Liebe zur Kunst« (»Nice or In Love for Arts«) was out, containig three arts narrations, edited by publisher colleague Georg Stauth. Extensive descriptions of art work by several artists, globally known or just coming up, and guest appreances by them are a big and conceptional part of these art narrations.

The art narration »Die Schneiderin« (»The Dressmaker / Model’s Cut«) on a journey throughout an exhibition with Body Art is out at diaphanes publishers Berlin and Zürich, again featuring some most promising and several well acquainted artists. In Semptember 2023 »Triz. Baumchronist« will be published at PalmArtPress Berlin.—Parallel to that narrations as well as reviews on exhibitions I developed a certain form of long poems.—I am prowd to be member of PEN Center Darmstadt.

In the following the main fields of my writing are shown:

»Nizza oder Die Liebe zur Kunst« (»Nice or In Love for Arts«)

My Art Narrations in an overview—plus list of all artists acting out

Example for my Reviews:
Exhibition by »William Kentridge at Liebieghaus«

»Das Wörterbuch« (an excerpt from the novel »Love Dictionary«)

Some more books

Prose concerning my Multiples such as »Die Länge der Temperatur« (»Length of Temperature«)

Long poems like »Oral Ornament / Fremde Künstler« (Foreign Artists)

Together with Katja Apelt »Ein Pärchen im Baurausch« (»A Couple Addicted to Their Building Lot«)